“The film looks at the dynamic and asks a simple question: Who exactly are we trying to save Africa from?”
NEW YORK TIMES Op Doc: An African's Message For America
AFRICA IS A COUNTRY: Why We Made A Film About The Images and Myths That Cast A Continent As A Victim
WASHINGTON POST: The West Is Obsessed With 'Saving' Africa. Is That The Problem?
COLORLINES: New Film Probes the West’s Very Old Obsession With ‘Saving’ Africa
INDIEWIRE: "An African's Message for America" in 6-Minute excerpt From Upcoming Documentary 'Framed'
GOOD MAGAZINE: Africa Doesn't Need a Savior, America Does
THINK AFRICA PRESS: Why Won't the #WhiteSaviourComplex Go Away?
FASTCOEXIST: A Film About Africa That Doesn't Want You To "Save" Africa
VOX.COM: This Video Shows What Africans Think Of Westerners Trying To 'Save' Them
THE WILD MAGAZINE: 'Framed' Questions Western Attitudes Toward Africa
CLUTCH MAGAZINE: Africa Does Not Need A Savior, America Needs A Savior
DEVELOPMENT INTERN: Challenging The Western Narrative Of Africa: An Interview With The Filmmakers Behind FRAMED
GROUND UP, SOUTH AFRICA: Framed: A Film To Explore The West's Fascination With Africa
TINY SPARK: Questioning Our Relationship With Africa
TAKEPART.COM: Op-Ed: Why Won’t White Savior Complex Go Away?
CIHA Blog: In The News: "Saving Africa"
THE CON MAG SOUTH AFRICA: The West and ‘Saving’ Africa
CITY PRESS, South Africa Framed’s crowdfunding success wasn’t the norm for African film makers
WIRIKO, Artes Y Culturas Africanas Framed, otras gafas con las que mirar a África
OKAY AFRICA ‘FRAMED’ Documentary Explores The Images & Myths That Cast A Continent As A Victim
SCREEN AFRICA Documentary explores the West's fascination with "saving" Africa
AFROPUNK Feature: Stop Victimizing Africa! The Message Behind New Documentary 'FRAMED'
HUMANOSPHERE: Documentary Questions Motives For Westerners 'Helping' Africa
AOL: "An African's Message for America"
STUDIORILEY: Learning From Boniface Mwangi
HUMANOSPHERE: I Don't Think Africa Needs A Savior, America Needs A Savior
CIHA Blog: In The News: Why Volunteer Abroad
DER FREITAG: Africa Does Not Need You!
MEDIUM: American Engagement with African Countries: No Frame, No Gain